
Monday, January 30, 2012


OK, I have to share this cutie with you guys. She's just too adorable not to share. By the way ignore the seventies looking tie dye shirt with the striped leggings. That is NOT my child. I don't know who her mother is, but someone needs to tell her that she should teach her child better fashion sense. Hopefully she learns before she goes to high school and becomes the laughing stock of her class.

This is our new pet Zooey. She's a dwarf hamster. I never imagined having a rodent for a pet, but this is me at HLA (Hamster Lover Anonymous) saying "Hi, I'm Veronica, and I'm a rodent lover." 


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lets get started

OK, so lets see... what have you missed in the past two years... oh yeah! I got divorced after 18 years in a crappy marriage, got married for a second time, separated from second husband, and I have a new boyfriend. You see... you haven't missed much. I know I sound like such an unstable floozy, but I'm not. I promise!

Let's start with the first marriage: He was a jerk, an abuser, and a cheater. For 18 years I was made to think that I was only good enough to stay home, clean, cook and take car of my kids. Even only doing that, I was made to think I wasn't doing a good job. What was the drop that spilled the cup you ask? Well, he started being verbally abusive with my kids and got his lover pregnant. That did it for me.

Continuing with the second husband: Even though we are still friends, and I think we have a better relationship now then when we where together... He was as cold as an igloo in Antarctica. I don't know if there are any igloos in Antartica, but just imagine how cold one would be. That one lasted less than a year.

Finally, my fiance: Yup, I said FIANCE. Now don't look at me with that judging look on your face. A girl has a right to fall in love three times... or four, but that's a story for another day. His name is Michael, but I call him Mick or hunny or baby or my love. He's the sweetest boyfriend. We like a lot of the same thing and at the same time we are so different from each other. I feel loved when I'm with him, and to me right now, that is very important. For many years I didn't feel loved, and he does that for me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back in action

I will make it short and sweet... I'm back, and here to stay.

I am not afraid of speaking my mind anymore. No more hiding my true feelings. You can either like it or not, but I hope you do.

I used to write on my other blog until a coupe years ago, but I feel my life has changed so much, and I have changed so much, that it doesn't feel like ME anymore. I am still a mom, but not only a mom. I am a woman, with my own thoughts and opinions. I'm not a housewife anymore either, I'm a single mom with a full time job, and now I am the one who has to support my children.

I am 37 and a half years old, and I feel like I am just starting to live. Got married too young, became a mom too young. I don't regret anything that I have lived through, because I believe there was a reason for me to go through what I did.

I will talk about myself more in the next few posts, so stick around!